Thursday, November 12, 2009

At long last, the Collective Tarot is being re-published! Thanks to everyone for enticing, encouraging and harassing us into getting it going again. It may not be available til after the first of the year--but again, this is a limited run and pre-orders are available here.
Keep an ear out for word of a New Year's Collective Tarot re-release party and a possible Tarot Tour traveling road show in your town...

On a much more serious note, Anandi, a friend of Collective Tarot members and long-time radical queer activist and organizer has been diagnosed with breast cancer. To help offset the cost of care, Sarah Brown has organized Art Sustains Us, an on-line art auction to which many talented people have donated art, craft, services and time. Please take a moment to check out the site and if you have the means, to be a part of an incredible exchange: money for art/funds for healthcare/art for self-care, and so on.


  1. i missed round two of re-publishing :(

    do you know if you will publish it a third time?

  2. Hi - I am trying to get my hands on the collective tarot and cannot seem to find copies anywhere or anyone publishing it. Any idea how I can find a deck? If you know of any other queer friendly, sex positive decks that would also be greatly appreciated! :)

    PLEASE Email me and let me know at:

  3. I am also looking to purchase the collective tarot, it is currently out of print. Should anyone have any information on how to obtain this great deck, please contact me:

